Thursday, April 7, 2016

March Prayer Letter

“I would like you to help me to know Jesus”

Delafointe is a student at the university in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire. The above quote was what he sent Davy on Facebook after they spoke on campus one day. In their conversation, Delafointe had said he preferred to worship a statue because that statue gave him things when he asked. 

We have never encountered idol worship this directly. The day before another young man had talked about worshipping a stone for the same reasons, desiring wealth and God not “providing.” Davy spent quite a long time talking with the two of them, explaining the gospel and asking them to trust God’s plan. It was such a clear picture of the rich, young ruler in the the Gospels. 

Although in the moment neither surrendered their hearts to Christ, we are very encouraged at Delafointe’s message on Facebook. His eyes are beginning to be opened and he is willing to pursue the truth. Please pray for him in the coming weeks as Davy follows up and keeps the relationship going!

Fruit in the Face of Terrorism

Thank you for your prayers as Davy spent ten days serving with our partnership in the Ivory Coast. As many of you may have heard, there was a terrorist attack 30 miles from us while they were there and in the same spot we were sitting in the Brussels airport the day after we left. Our global missions regional director had stayed an extra day and his flight left 45 minutes before the bomb in Brussels went off. As we consider these events, our hearts are encouraged with Paul’s mindset in Acts 20:17—21:13, as well as Jesus’ attitude as He lived on mission knowing what it would cost Him. We want to follow God’s direction no matter what the cost. Be encouraged that, in the midst of these attacks, 20 students, one of which was Muslim, trusted Christ during their time there! 

Mamadu’s Conversion

Speaking of Muslims turning to Jesus- we were blessed to have three young men come to Abidjan from a campus in Khorogo, which is in the northern part of Cote d’Ivoire and is 90% Muslim. One of these young men, Mamadu, (pictured bottom right) had been the President of all Muslims in his high school and at college. The Cru team took a mission trip to Khorogo, and ran into Mamadu’s friend Daniel. Daniel needed the reminder to follow Jesus fully as he was living a nominal Christian life. Daniel invited Ali, another Muslim to talk with the Cru team. Ali was intrigued by the love of Jesus and invited Mamadu to come meet the guys as well. Mamadu would only agree to play soccer with them, but after playing, got into conversations. He then surrendered to Christ, which led to his brother, sister, and mother turning to Jesus as well! He is intimidated to bring it up with his father, but we are praying for that soon!

Orphanages, Prayer Meetings, and Student-Led Gatherings

Singing songs, reading Bible stories, makeshift soccer games and lots of dancing is what comprises our time at a local orphanage in Abidjan. We have partnered with them for years, providing food and construction work when needed. The conditions they live in are sad, but they are a joyful bunch. 

We also get to take part in the national office prayer meeting that happens every Thursday. The national team spends three hours every week singing and praying for God to move in their country. And yes you read that correctly- they have a team of national staff: a country director, national campus director, Athletes In Action director, and many more full-time Cru staff!

There is a weekly student-led meeting on campus as well. Anywhere from 15-50 students gather to sing, hear a message, and give testimonies. God is moving in Cote d’Ivoire. Keep praying with us for even more laborers and kingdom expansion!

Big Break: Learning to Share the Gospel

29 students and staff from Southwest Missouri traveled to Panama City Beach, FL, a notorious spring break party destination, for our annual Cru conference, Big Break. Students learned to share their faith and got the opportunity to trust God as they went on the beach to engage in spiritual conversations. 

Total Attendance: 1,007
Spiritual Conversations: 2,840
Gospel Conversations: 1,256
Decisions for Christ: 141

Praise the Lord with us for these numbers! They represent real people that have heard the Good News with many being transferred from death to life. 

Our little munchkin is 8 months old. Baby gates have become a necessity in our house as he is on the move. We’ve also discovered he’s a climber which means we may need to get some more gates! He gets more fun every single day!

“These two beautiful teammates of mine decided to fully commit their lives to Christ and get baptized today! …they share such a special bond as sisters and teammates in Christ! I can't explain how much joy I have right now for the both of them!” - Quote from Tatum (pictured center), a junior on the volleyball team who leads her team Bible study 
What's Next?
Please pray for me as I give my very last talk at the athlete's large group meeting. After being a part of that group for 7 years, as a student and as Cru staff, it is a very bittersweet time for me. I want to leave these athletes with something they will think about for years to come.