Meet our child, who we are for now
affectionately calling, “McBaby.” We
are so excited to go on this new
adventure of parenthood! This child
will the be the first grandkid for both
our parents, first great-grandchild,
and the first niece or nephew for our
siblings, so everyone is thrilled for
the baby’s arrival.
As of Jan 11th, we are ten weeks
along making the due date August
8th! It was so fun to see the baby
wiggling around and to hear the heart
beating during the ultrasound! Both McBaby and I are doing well,
although I have definitely
experienced the nausea often
associated with the first trimester.
Denver Christmas Conference
Have you every had the chance to
sit in a room with 1,000 other
people worshipping God? Ever set
aside five full days to listen to
Biblical teaching, spend time in the
word/prayer, and fellowship with
brothers and sisters in Christ? DCC
provides exactly those
opportunities to our students.
Some give their lives to God for the
first time, some recommit after
wandering away for a season,
others confess untold sin and
experience new freedom, and many share their faith for first time. It is
a faith stretching week and
everyone leaves different than
when they came.
I was able to give a seminar to 100+ girls on fighting lies that women believe and it was very highly rated by those who attended. Davy led a team of 25 people as the production director of the main sessions. We are blessed to be a part of something like this. Please pray for continued passion as students go back to campus life.
I was able to give a seminar to 100+ girls on fighting lies that women believe and it was very highly rated by those who attended. Davy led a team of 25 people as the production director of the main sessions. We are blessed to be a part of something like this. Please pray for continued passion as students go back to campus life.
The ballroom during set up. All these chairs were filled during the conference. |
It is an amazing experience to worship God with over a thousand people. |
Here I am giving my seminar talk. There were so many girls we ran out of chairs and they had to sit on the floor. |
Students are hanging up commitment cards. Students that filled out these cards chose to surrender their futures to God and go where he would have them go and do whatever he would have them do. |
- We are at 67% of our monthly financial support goal.Thank you for praying and giving.
- Having a baby does increase our financial goal as we add the new expenses of raising a child. Please take a moment and pray both for the pregnancy and for the new monthly support needs!
- New Year’s resolutions and desperation brings many students to the feet of Jesus in the Spring semester. Pray they find firm footing in the gospel and that our staff find power in the Holy Spirit to handle to increased load.