Fall Retreat is a hit!
Imagine packing into a car with
three of your best friends (or brand
new friends if you’re a freshman!)
and driving a couple hours to a
camp in the woods for a weekend of
peace and quiet after a hectic
beginning of the semester. Imagine
as well, standing with 175 other
students (pictured above) from
your campus worshipping God
together during that weekend. That
is exactly what Fall Getaway is- a
retreat for students to connect with
God and each other away from the
pressures and stresses of daily life.
It also presents opportunities for
deep conversation for students like
Crawford, who opened up to other
guys during Men’s Time about
feeling condemnation for his past
sexual sin. Through his tears, he
was able to hear God’s love and
forgiveness from the other men in
the group who pointed him to Jesus’
grace poured out on the cross. Pray
for Crawford and others!
“Look what God
has done”
“Remember when you sat me down and asked me to lead the men’s group? Look at how far God has brought me... I’m leading the high school ministry, facilitating the baseball team Bible study, serving the women of Cru, and pursuing community. Thanks for pushing me to face my fear and take steps of faith.”
This is what Robert said to me (Davy) last week when we got together to catch up. Robert entered college with a desire to explore his freedom as an adult, but one of his good friends (a student leader with Cru) invited him to attend our first-of-the-year events. We got connected, I began discipling him, and eventually asked him to lead the manhood Bible study one night. He was so scared that first time, but courageously stepped up to lead. His growth since that point has been amazing and he is now one of our strongest student leaders in Springfield. Pray for him as he seeks to lead his peers into holiness!
“Remember when you sat me down and asked me to lead the men’s group? Look at how far God has brought me... I’m leading the high school ministry, facilitating the baseball team Bible study, serving the women of Cru, and pursuing community. Thanks for pushing me to face my fear and take steps of faith.”
This is what Robert said to me (Davy) last week when we got together to catch up. Robert entered college with a desire to explore his freedom as an adult, but one of his good friends (a student leader with Cru) invited him to attend our first-of-the-year events. We got connected, I began discipling him, and eventually asked him to lead the manhood Bible study one night. He was so scared that first time, but courageously stepped up to lead. His growth since that point has been amazing and he is now one of our strongest student leaders in Springfield. Pray for him as he seeks to lead his peers into holiness!