Saturday, September 27, 2014

September Prayer Letter

Life Changing Small Groups

Tyler, a 6’9” sophomore basketball player at MSU leads the Bible study for the team. Nine of the 13 players showed up for the second study and continue to express interest. Andrew (a student from my Manhood Group last year) is hosting a small group for his fraternity and half of the members are showing up! Of the six main dormitories on campus, all have studies happening, and Freddy Hall has 40 students show up consistently, while Blair-Shannon has around 30 each week. Fourteen girls are attending Fall Getaway from the Freddy group! One Sorority passed around a sign-up sheet for interest in a house study and 55 girls signed their name! There is a study in all of the Sororities and eight of the Fraternities have guys leading groups weekly. Small groups were instrumental in our growth during college as well. Pray for them! 

“Davy! Have you heard about Cru this year!?”
It has been so encouraging to hear the freshman guys from my small group last year so excited about all that is happening with Cru. We had our largest meeting ever a couple weeks ago with 400+ students in attendance, our Fall Getaway retreat numbers are the largest they have ever been (30% more than last year!), and small groups have consistently maintained large numbers of students.

Students in the "Freddy" dorm Bible study hanging out after their weekly study. 


Momentum is exciting, pushes the staff to their fullest capacity, and ensures all the credit goes to God as it is obvious He is multiplying the harvest past our abilities as people. Pray with us as 85 of the registrants for our fall retreat are freshman. An amazing figure, but it also creates new challenges as we give them a significant discount (strains the budget), and organizing rides is difficult since many don’t have 
friends yet. 

Ways you can pray:

  • We are at 51% of our monthly support.We have 90 days left in our 100% in 100 days goal.
  • Pray for Fall Getaway.You will hear the stories in next month’s letter, but pray now for many students to encounter God in a fresh way.
  • We are back in Springfield (had been in Oregon the past six weeks). Pray as we settle into our home amidst the transition.
  • Pray God would raise up new contacts to join our monthly support team here in Springfield. 
HOW CAN WE PRAY FOR YOU? Fill out the form on the right side of this page and let us know. 

Caleb was your average freshman walking into college. However, he filled out a survey with Cru and during follow-up, placed his faith in Christ. He and our director met the next day, he then went to a Bible study, and this past Thursday he brought four friends to Cru! 

My little brother broke his neck in three places playing rugby a couple weeks ago. He is ok and not paralyzed in any way. He had surgery and will be in a brace for six months. He got married Sept. 26th. Please pray for speedy recovery and his marriage. 

We're so excited to share stories from Fall Getaway in our next letter. The next conference we hold is called Denver Christmas Conference. This will take place December 28th through January 2nd. Please begin to pray for students to attend. This conference is so life changing!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

The Easy Button

This conversation happens quite often:

Friend: "So you have to raise money in order to go back to campus and do your job?"

Me: "Yep!"

Friend: "Isn't that really hard?"

Me: "You know, sometimes it is, but I wouldn't trade it for anything."

Friend: "Seriously? Why?"

Those questions Davy and I get asked are totally valid. It's not normal. Most people in the United States get a job and get paid by their employer. But our story is a little different. We got jobs with Cru and set out to raise our financial support. And yes, sometimes that is really hard. But I really do mean it when I say that I wouldn't trade it for anything (this is a recent development, by the way. God has really been working in my heart). Since all of you that read this blog probably won't get to sit down with us and hear why, I thought I'd tell you right here.

Davy and I are reading a book right now called The God Ask by Steve Shadrach. It's amazing. If you are a missionary, read this book. If you know missionaries, buy this book for them. In the book, Shadrach talks about the easy button. You know, the one Staples advertises on TV? In the book he lays out a scenario. If an easy button existed for missionaries and they could press it and have all their funding raised just like that, would they?

Shadrach says he asks that question to thousands of Christian workers and about 95% say, yes, they would press the button. His hope in writing this book is that the mindset would change. He's come to the conclusion that he wouldn't do ministry any other way. He NEEDS his support team. Not just their finances, but their prayers, accountability, passion, and encouragement as well.

This process is full of ups and downs. Yes, it does get hard some days. But when we get to sit down and share with people about God has changed our lives and the lives of college students... wow! Words cannot describe how fun and joy-producing that is. Even when people are unable to give, we got to sit down for a little bit and brag on how amazing God is. That fact always outweighs the hard days. If this life is about bringing God glory, we can do that sharing the Gospel on a college campus or sitting in a person's home talking about our ministry and financial support. Both aspects of our job are equally as worshipful to our Savior.

In addition to that, we remember what Paul says in Philippians 4:17: "Not that I seek the gift, but I seek the fruit that increases to your credit."

We wouldn't change this process because we would be robbing individuals of the abundant joy and blessing that comes from investing in God's kingdom. Not everyone is called to be in vocational ministry, but we are all called to give of the resources that God has entrusted to us. When we obey that call, God is pleased. We want others to experience the privilege of obeying God and fulfilling the Great Commission through giving.

Don't get me wrong, some days I don't want to pick up the phone to make calls or stare at my computer screen one minute longer sending out emails. As an introvert, it can get exhausting meeting new people. And inevitably talking about money can be awkward. This process is hard. Of course it is, or people wouldn't ask the questions I mentioned at the beginning of this post. Shadrach, found that many Christians consider vocational ministry, but are prevented due to finances. He says that Ralph Winter, founder of the U.S. Center for World Missions, estimates that as little as 1% of people who inquire about staff opportunities ever make it into a long-term ministry assignment. Shadrach believes this is, in part, because of the challenge of raising support. Luke 10:2 says "the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few." It breaks my heart that the workers might be even fewer because raising support is hard and scary at times. I'm definitely not saying that Davy and I have it all together. We struggle with it too, but we've decided to trust God. No matter what. Even if that means this process takes years. Even if it gets really hard. We're going to walk by faith because we believe in what God has called us to and we want to be a blessing to others whether they can give financially or not.

Sure, there are days the easy button looks really nice, but no one that I aspire to be like (Paul, Ruth, Esther, Jesus, the list goes on) ever pushed that button. I pray that we will not ever be tempted to push it. I pray that we continue to give people an opportunity to be blessed through giving or simply hearing how God is moving on the college campus. Please pray with us in this process. The enemy undoubtedly will attack and attempt to hinder the mission. He'll make the easy button look so appealing. Pray that we remember the process is from the Lord and that it is His good gift to us and to the people we have the privilege of talking with.

I explain these things because I want our eyes to be lifted to Jesus. I don't say all of this so you think Davy and I are great, because we're certainly not. This is something we're in the process of learning ourselves. We just want people to be aware the support raising is NOT a necessary evil. It is a privilege and joy. Please remember that as you pray for and interact with the missionaries in your life. Please join us in celebrating this process and worshiping Jesus and His provision in the midst of it. May God get all the glory as we share about our ministry with others and as He brings in the support little by little.